28 September 2011

what we're all about

first off, we're all about love. then comes respect. integrity. you get it. right?

but the overall picture of what this* is what QUEER looks like is the creation of a viral (fingers crossed) video that will travel the world as a look into the reality of who Queer people are. because we are everyone. we are just like you. we love, we hurt, we pine, we bleed.

it's not rocket science. it's a very simple concept. unfortunately, many people in the world think otherwise. there are ridiculous misconceptions about us. for instance, some people believe there is such a thing as a gay agenda. well, i've been Queer all my life and i have no clue what that might be. 

there's also this idea of a gay lifestyle. really? well, every Queer person i know is different from the next. just like straight people. weird, huh? NOT REALLY.

we've got a big job on our hands: changing people's minds about us. so, we want to make it as easy as possible. and to do that WE NEED YOU!

if you live in the pacific northwest and want to be in our film, contact us. join us on facebook (even if you're not in our area). show your support. and we're not just looking for Queer folks. we welcome our straight allies with open arms. so, PLEASE JOIN US!


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